AI in healthcare – Progress and outlook

AI in healthcare – Progress and outlook

Sahlgrenska Science Park, Medicinaregatan 8A
2019-05-27 18:00
2019-05-27 20:30
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Medicine and healthcare are fields where AI have exciting potential. There are still many challenges to overcome. At this event, two major sub-fields – dermatology and radiology – that all use images will be introduced. The event will be an opportunity to mingle between tech and medicine.

Machine Learning is increasingly being used in Dermatology. Associate professor John Paoli and PhD student Sam Polesie from Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg will discuss how algorithms are used to, e.g., diagnose skin cancer today and what the future may entail.

Machine learning for the interpretation of medical images has the potential to change how radiologists work today. Reducing the need for manual interpretation, especially for repetitive tasks, may improve accuracy and reduce the workload of radiologists. PhD student Fredrik Langkilde and radiology resident Simon Borkmann from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg will discuss both how algorithms are used today and how they may be used in the future.


18:00 Welcome for some mingle with food and beverages
18:30 Machine Learning in Dermatology
19:00 Machine Learning in Radiology
19:30 Mingle