The subtle art of train balancing

The subtle art of train balancing

Tenfifty, Kronhusgatan 7
2022-06-20 17:30
2022-06-20 20:30
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Finally time for GAIA Meetup!

You're welcome to a meetup hosted by Tenfifty on June 20th. Their office is located at Kronhusgatan 7 and they are inviting us for two presentations, food and drinks.

This event will be recorded and posted on our youtube channel. Please only RSVP if you intend to participate. Make sure to change your RSVP if you can't make it as we usually have a waiting list to our events.

The preliminary schedule looks as follows:

17.30: Welcome and mingle
18.00: First presentation: Ace of Base ... and Acid
18.45: Food
19.15: Second presentation: The subtle art of train balancing
20.00: Mingle


Ace of Base ... and Acid
Some customers mainly want to learn, which can lead to open-ended and very fulfilling projects. At Södra Cell's pulp mill they wanted to reduce the use of control chemicals to save money and the environment. They gave us free reins to optimise their process using AI.

The subtle art of train balancing
At Tenfifty we solve modeling and optimization tasks for a wide range of industries, usually using machine learning and data science. However, sometimes it is important to remember how efficient classical computer science algorithms can be and that not everything has to learn...

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there!