David Svensson

Statistical Science Director
To be released
To be released
David Svensson

Better, faster, and cheaper drug discovery with machine learning

AstraZeneca is finding new and innovative ways to use AI to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry today. To become better, faster, and cheaper in drug discovery and development, we believe in our AI approaches at AstraZeneca to transform R&D. Please join our session to get an overview of some of the real use-cases where AI is having a genuine impact across the R&D value chain:


David holds a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. He joined AstraZeneca in Gothenburg in 2003 and is now a Statistical Science Director in the Statistical Innovation group within the Advanced Analytic Centre. In that position, he is both involved in directly supporting late phase clinical drug projects and methodological longer-term work (e.g. relating to biomarkers/subgroups, personalized medicine, machine learning, and safety). He is particularly interested in computationally intensive statistics, machine learning, visualisation, and Bayesian approaches, and he is a keen R user. The lead of PSI Special Interest Group on Subgroup Analysis since 2018.
